Thursday 12 January 2012

Life in Pakistan under the power outages because of not enough power


Pakistan is under black-outs, not only because of terrorism, corruption and inflation. No, it is mainly the electricity and gas deficiency and this long-term impacts on all areas of life, which you can think of. Natural disasters such as the great earthquake and floods 2010 have adversely affected our growth and a number of energy crops have been damaged in part or in whole.

Today approximately 1.4 billion people lack access to electricity, and current trends show that this is not significantly changed in the year 2030. It is estimated that 2.5 billion still use of traditional people of the biomass for cooking in 2030 with health effects related to 1.5 million premature deaths per year, especially in women and children.

The blame game on the failure of the electricity and gas is at full speed here. Some blame that current Pakistani leaders believe he arrived only recently. Today, Pakistan is in a severe energy crisis

Figure 1: The current situation of Pakistan

Regrettably and shamefully I depend on, we help foreign much more even if Pakistan with all natural resources makes blessed generation. We could produce electrical energy of 50 000 MGW 800 years from only a reserve of coal. Out of the water if we use we would produce the same amount, and the province are on the coast of only 180 KM, we produce could MGW 10 000 in the wind for a life.

Electricity in Pakistan almost 3 000 MW biogas sugar industry has potential, but it has sentence produce some 700MW. One of the University of agriculture, Faisalabad study, results of research show that have energy needs of the country are expected to double in three by 2050, but the position of the supply in any way is a source of inspiration. In such disturbing circumstances renewable and sustainable energy resources are the best substitute for conventional fuels and energy sources.

Gas and electricity, the markets were load shedding of many people living hand to mouth. In Faisalabad, were almost three lakh (0.3 million) people have lost their jobs due to the closure of the industry. The same happens with other cities as industrial Gujranwala, Multan, Lahore and Rawalpindi. The industry must close power load-shedding in particular to the suite of 12 to 15 hours, and the fact that it has no adequate supply of gas to industry worsens the situation.

Industrial production and commercial activity of a country is measured from the energy consumption per capita. We are one of the lowest this consumption in Asia. Consumption of energy per capita of Pakistan is only 14 MBTU compared to 80 in China, in Malaysia 110 and 115 in Iran.

Now the current Pakistani Government research Hydro. A number of dams, as Bhasha (4, 500MW), Munda (740MW), Kurram Tangi (83MW) and Akhori dam (Land) is announced by the current Government, while other dams such as Bunji (7, 100MW), Dasu (4, 320MW) and Golen GOL (106MW) have huge potential to produce hydroelectric power generation.

Energy traditional sources are more because they quickly due to the increase in the population and the pace of development tend are abundant. Pakistan is very happy in the sense that renewable energy can meet its total energy needs.

Pakistan required to work some team to only in Pakistan. Pakistan must protect the corrupt and incapable, Ministers and even the President of the people.

We hope that the numbers will consider finally the power and influence and removing artificial to stop the rate of natural growth of Pakistan; a number that exceeds 10 per cent, even smaller strategic investments in promising sectors such as agriculture or the approach.

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