Thursday 26 January 2012

7 Resolutions for Going Green with Your Family This Year

Go green this year!

Go green this year!

If you're one of those people, like me, who are still making your resolutions, or setting your goals for the new year, I want to encourage you to try to find ways that you can go green with your family and help save the environment.

Every year I make a list of green changes that I would like to make over the coming year, and I thought I'd put together a little list for you, if you are interested in moving your family in a more eco-friendly direction, but maybe not quite sure where to start.

These are simple and easy changes you can make over the next year that can have a big impact on the planet. You can definitely start small with vowing to make just one or two of these changes this year, or maybe you're already doing a few of these, and would like to try to do the rest of them over the course of the year. Here are 7 resolutions for going green with your family this year:

Non-Toxic Cleaning

Non-Toxic Cleaning

1. Non-Toxic Cleaning
One of the very first changes I made on my journey towards more green living was to switch to homemade and non-toxic cleaners for my home, so it's one of the first things I recommend to anyone who is interested in making green changes in their family's life.
Make homemade cleaners with your kids

Related: Eco-friendly products to keep your home "green"

Green Your Personal Care Products

Green Your Personal Care Products

2. Green Your Personal Care Products

It's really important to be aware of the products we use on our skin and our children's skin. Unfortunately, there are a lot of nasty chemicals in most conventional brands of personal care products, so switching to green personal care products will not only benefit the planet, but your health as well!
Find out where to buy green and safe personal care products
Ditch the Disposables

Ditch the Disposables

3. Ditch the Disposables
Reducing the amount of garbage your family creates is a great way to have a big impact on the environment. This could be anything from switching to cloth napkins and rags instead of paper napkins and towels, to using cloth diapers instead of disposables.
Find out more about making the switch to cloth diapers
Buy Used

Buy Used

4. Buy Used
Making a commitment to buying things used instead of new saves money and saves the environment at the same time. Before you run to the store to purchase things this year, try to find what you're looking for at garage sales, thrift stores, or online sites like Craigslist or Ebay.
Find out more about buying things used

Related: How to go green in the city - easy tips for urban living

Make Recycling Easy

Make Recycling Easy

5. Make Recycling Easy

If your family doesn't already recycle regularly, this is an important step to take to reduce the impact of the waste your family creates on the planet. Set up a recycling system that everyone in your family can easily use, and begin to teach your children what is recyclable and what is not - and try to use recyclable things more than disposable ones!
Find more inspiration for making recycling easy for your family
Turn Off the Lights

Turn Off the Lights

6. Turn Off the Lights
This is a really easy one that you can even get your toddler involved in. Make sure you turn off the lights when you leave a room, and don't leave lights on in areas of the house that you aren't using. Have your kids help you remember to turn off the lights, and if they're anything like my kids, they'll want to go ahead and turn the lights off themselves!
Buy Local and Organic Food

Buy Local and Organic Food

7. Buy Local and Organic Food
The food we eat has a major impact on our environment, but choosing local and organic food can help to decrease that impact. Resolve to shop your local farmer's market and buy more food directly from the farm this year.
How to feed your family natural and organic food on a budget

- By Emily McClements

For 3 more resolutions for going green this year, visit Babble!


13 environmentally friendly products your kids will love
10 ways to keep your home eco-friendly
Gardening with kids - fruits and vegetables they can help plant
10 ways to treat common ailments with items from your pantry
Chic ideas for eco-friendly home decor

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